Upload Or Download Documents

Updated by Steven Garand

To view a read only version of the document before downloading, double click on the existing document. This feature is only available for word, LMN, spread sheet or image type documents.
Download each document separately. Downloading multiple documents at the same time is not currently allowed.
Any single document is limited in size to 10 megabytes.
Free storage space is limited to 600MB. Additional storage space will be added upon request for an additional monthly fee. Space usage can be determined by clicking the 'Show total space used' (blue information) icon at the top right of the screen. Additionally, as the database becomes closer to the size limit of 600 MB, the users will be warned. After the storage limit is reached, the user will be warned to contact ARTSCO to increase the file size when attempting to access or edit documents.
To upload a document you can alternately click on the lower right 'Browse...' button then click Make sure to click the 'Upload' link after choosing a local file to upload.
Make sure to click the 'Upload' link after choosing a local file to upload.


  1. Show For: Specifies the patient folder containing all orders for the related patient or only the open order subfolder for the patient
    1. Patient: Use this option when working with documents for the patient, regardless of a particular order - Can access documents in the patient folder as well as in all order sub folders folders for the patient
    2. Order: Use this option when working with documents specific to the open order, for example a recommended letter of medical necessity (LMN) - Can only access documents for the current open order


  1. Upload Document: Click the yellow upload (up arrow) icon at the top of the screen, choose the local document to upload then click on the 'Upload' link
  2. Download Document: Select the document to download then click the green download (down arrow) icon at the top of the screen

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