Permissions allow setting restrictions to system features.
A permission group has a list of system functions (Types) which allow user access of that type to 1.) all, 2.) some, or 3.) none.
A Type of 'some' can be further broken down to allow the user to 1.) View, 2.) Edit, 3.) Add, 4.) Delete, or access a list of values (Filter).
Restricting Order Delete, Team Members Delete, and Security are recommended in most cases.
Database: Not used. For future feature allowing multiple databases. Leave Allowed setting to 'all'
Order: Patient orders
all: User can edit, add, or delete any order
Edit: User can edit any information on an existing order including edit basic info, modifying form data, editing line items, etc.
Add: User can add a new order
Delete: User can delete an existing order
none: User can't edit, add, or delete orders
Location: Company location or branch
all: User can access orders from any company location
Filter (funnel icon): Company locations
Filter Type:
allow listed items only: User can access orders only from selected (checked) company locations
allow all except listed items: User can access all orders except from selected (checked) company locations
none: User can't access order from any company location. Note: Use Order and none instead of this option.
Security: User options and permissions
all: User can create, edit and delete other users and their permissions
none: User can't create, edit or delete other users and can't change their permissions
Basic Info: Basic Info page which includes selecting team members, insurance, notes, ICD codes, and current equipment for the order.
all: User can access Basic Info page
none: User can't access Basic Info page
Team Members: Company locations, physicians, RTS, patient, subscriber, therapist, referral source, facility, and custom team members.
all: User can edit, add, and delete team members
Edit: User can edit team members
Add: User can add team members
Delete: User can delete team members
none: User can't edit, add, or delete team members
Remote: Offline application when the internet is unavailable
all: User can use offline application
none: User can't use offline application
Data Form: System data forms
all: User can access any data form for an order
Filter (funnel icon): Data form list
Filter Type:
allow listed items only: User can only access selected (checked) data forms
allow all except listed items: User can access all data forms except selected (checked) data forms
none: User can't access any data form for an order
Order Form: System order forms (from vendors)
all: User can access any order form for an order
Filter (funnel icon): Order form list
Filter Type:
allow listed items only: User can only access selected (checked) order forms
allow all except listed items: User can access all order forms except selected (checked) data forms
none: User can't access any order form for an order
Form Builder: Building custom order forms and data forms. Note: Permission for advanced layout feature to create data forms can only be granted by ARTSCO. Contact ARTSCO for details.
all: User can build custom forms
none: User can't build custom forms
Tracking: Using the tracking system
all: User can use the tracking system
none: User can't use the tracking system
Tracking Setup: Designing the tracking system
all: User can design the tracking system
none: User can't design the tracking system
Tracking Cancel Pending: Ability to cancel pending tasks in the tracking system
all: User can cancel pending tasks in the tracking system
none: User can't cancel pending tasks in the tracking system
Purchase Order: Purchase order system
all: User can use the purchase order system
none: User can't design the purchase order system
Insurance Setup: Insurance payers, plans, and fee schedules
all: User can add, edit, and delete insurance payers, plans, and fee schedules
none: User can't add, edit, and delete insurance payers, plans, and fee schedules
Cost Setup: Vendor discounts, vendor account number, and item overrides
all: User can modify vendor discounts, vendor account number, and item overrides
none: User can't modify vendor discounts, vendor account number, and item overrides
System Options: System default billing multiplier, Medicare miscellaneous code percent off of retail, company locations, and third party application settings.
all: User can modify system default billing multiplier, Medicare miscellaneous code percent off of retail, company locations, and third party application settings
none: User can't modify system default billing multiplier, Medicare miscellaneous code percent off of retail, company locations, and third party application settings
AdHoc Query: SQL query report feature
all: User can generate ad hock SQL queries against the database
none: User can generate ad hock SQL queries against the database
Max Profit: Generate sorted profit margins for vendor items which contain a set of HCPCS codes
all: User can generate sorted profit margins for vendor items which contain a set of HCPCS codes
none: User can generate sorted profit margins for vendor items which contain a set of HCPCS codes
Documents and LMN: Document management and LMN generator
all: User has full access to document management and LMN generator
some: All features available to the user with the following restrictions if edit, add, or delete NOT selected
Edit Not Selected: User can't rename or edit files
Add Not Selected: User can't upload, copy, create, or edit files
Delete Not Selected: User can't delete files
none: user has no access to document management and LMN generator
Other App: Third party application, example: billing software
all: User can send or receive from third party application
none: User can't send or receive from third party application
Obsolete Forms: Obsolete order forms
all: User can open obsolete order forms.
none: User can't open obsolete order forms.
Apps: Access to setup application (RxAdminV2), the user application (RxWebV2), document and LMN management (RxDocV2), and reports (RxMsReports)
all: User can access the setup application (RxAdminV2), the user application (RxWebV2), document and LMN management (RxDocV2), and reports (RxMsReports)
Filter (funnel icon): Application list
Filter Type:
allow listed items only: User can only access selected (checked) applications
allow all except listed items: Do not use
none: User can't access the setup application (RxAdminV2), the user application (RxWebV2), document and LMN management (RxDocV2), and reports (RxMsReports)
Tracking Change Responsible: Change who is responsible on a task
all: User can change who is responsible on a task if the responsible person is already defined - Allows user to change responsible person set by rules.
none: User can't change who is responsible on a task if the responsible person is already defined - Prevents user from changing responsible person set by rules.
Tracking Random Pending: Adding a pending task outside of the specified workflow.
all: User can add a pending task outside of the specified workflow, including tasks not ready and tasks not in the workflow.
none: User can't add a pending task outside of the specified workflow, including tasks not ready and tasks not in the workflow.