Fee Schedule Overview
Fee Options
- Code: HCPCS 5 digit code.
- Modifier: HCPCS modifiers. Use 2 spaces if no modifier should be specified.
- Allow: Amount payer will pay for the item. Note: Allow must be specified if Type is Fee For Service.
- Type, Type %, Type2, and Type2 %: See plan options. Note: If Type specified as 'Reference Other Payer' the 'Reference Payer' value must be specified for the associated plan.
- Add new fee *
- Delete fee **
- Update fee *
- Filter fees
- Import fees
- Copy and paste cell to range
- Copy and paste cells from range
- Delete all fees ***
- Save fee changes
- Sort fees
- Move fee columns
* Row denied if 1.) Code is blank, or 2.) Code does not have 5 characters, or 3.) Code and Modifier already exist, or 4.) Allow has a value but type is not Fee For Service, or 5.) Reference Other Payer specified as Type2, or Modifier is blank (use two spaces for no modifier).
** Delete denied if trying to delete single remaining fee (must have at least one fee).
*** Default Fee added after all fees deleted.