RxWeb Home Page

Click Log in link (upper right) and log in to see the page shown above. Click on Orders, Remote, and Options folders to see the items under those folders as shown.
Click Home link (upper left) to return to the home page at any time.
Do not use the web browser navigation buttons (the upper left arrow buttons).  The web browser back button may open a previous window but the edit controls may not be in the correct state to work properly.
The Order link (upper right) can be used as a shortcut to open an existing order or change to another existing order.
The Recent link (upper right) can be used as a shortcut to open recently opened orders. Note that the recent orders are ordered by order number and not by the last date they were opened.
Navigate directly to the desired item and all required pages will automatically pop up. For example click on the Form item from the home page and the Open Order page will automatically show first followed by Form Selection page, then finally the selected form will open.


  1. Order - Actions related to the current open order
    1. Open - Open an existing order
    2. New - Create a new order
    3. Close - Close the open order
    4. Tracking - Track the progress of the open order
    5. Basic Info - Edit basic information about the open order and edit information about team members for all orders
    6. Data Forms - Open and fill out data forms for the open order
    7. Order Forms - Open and fill out order forms for the open order
    8. Documents-LMN - Maintain documents associated with the open order or for the patient of the open order - Generate and edit suggested letters of medical necessity based on order information and system values such as saved code based justifications.
    9. Line Items - Manipulate line items generated from filling order forms or from importing a manufacturer quote file
    10. Max Profit - Finds the appropriate equipment across all manufacturers based on required codes and sorted by highest profit margin
    11. Other App - Exchange current order data with other applications
    12. Stock - Generate requests for stock items from line items for the current order
    13. Purchase Order - Generate and track purchase orders from line items for the current order
    14. Batch Print Save - Combine forms and order forms into a single PDF file for viewing, printing, or saving - Optionally password protect the resulting file.
  2. Tasks - Actions related to workflows across all orders
    1. To Do - Provides a quick way to perform tasks needing attention on any order, sorted by the how long tasks are overdue.
  3. Orders - Actions related to all orders
    1. Reports - Run and save reports across all orders.
    2. Ad Hoc Query - Specify an SQL query to extract data to a spread sheet.
    3. POs For Open Orders - Quickly maintain all open PO orders.
  4. Remote - Actions related to offline use
    1. Using RxWeb Offline - Using RxWeb when no internet connection is available.
    2. Orders - Specify existing online orders to be available offline - New orders can be created offline at any time.
    3. Forms - Specify existing online forms to be available offline.
    4. Order Forms - Specify existing online order forms to be available offline.
  5. Options
    1. General - Specify system options such as offline and printing options.

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