Responsible For Task Rules

Updated by Steven Garand

Enter rules to allow the system to select who is responsible for a task. The rules can select who is responsible based on the RTS or company branch office for the order.
Add multiple rules for the same task to define different responsible names depending on the RTS and or branch location.
The rule with a qualifying Team Member value will be used over another rule with the same Task name. For example setting a rule for a task if the RTS on the order is Sue then Bob will be responsible will be used if Sue is the RTS. Another rule for the same task specifying Frank as responsible and not qualified by the RTS would only be used for orders where Sue is not the RTS.
Any rule with no RTS or Location specified acts like a catch all rule and evaluated after all other specific rules for the same task.


  1. Responsible: The person responsible for a task. If this person depends on which RTS is on the order or which branch location of the company, multiple rules must be entered for the same task.
    1. A reseved name of 'Assigned RTS' or 'Assigned <custom team member name>' (example: 'Assigned CSR') can be used in place of a specific name.
    2. A rule with an Assigned name value (example: Assigned RTS) will evaluate the associated team member assigned to the open order.
  2. Team Member: The RTS or Custom Team Member on an order which determines the responsible name.
  3. Location: The branch location of the company which determines the responsible name.
  4. Location Type: The type of address used in the Location qualifier above. Note: If blank, the Company Office is used.
    1. Office: Company Office
    2. Ship To: Company Ship To
    3. Bill To: Company Bill To


  1. Add new rule
  2. Delete rule
  3. Update rule
  4. Save rule changes
  5. Sort rule
  6. Move rule columns

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