Set Up Business Unit DB

Updated by Steven Garand


Business units are separate entities managed by a single parent company. This allows all business units to reside in a single parent database and share appropriate information while maintaining other data separate from all other business units. Each business unit can also have different locations. Each of these locations are business unit specific. In addition reports and Ad Hoc queries could run against all business units to help in analyzing statistics for the parent company.


Navigating Between Business Units

Users can can be given permission to a single business unit or if appropriate to multiple or all business units. A user has a default to a particular business unit when logging in. If the user has permission for other business units, they can switch to another business unit after logging in to their default.

Super User Access

Unlike a standard database, users with full access do not automatically have permission to modify users, audit users, modify business units, modify tracking or to ad hoc query across multiple business units. Special super user permission must be granted to a user to perform these actions. Only a user with super user permission for modifying users can grant such permission to another user.

Orders And Team Members

The core data for any database is the order. An order resides only in the business unit where the order was created. The order can not be shared or moved to another business unit so make sure to be in the appropriate business unit before creating an order. Similarly team members are business unit specific and can not be moved or shared between business units. If the same team member is required by more than one business unit, the team member must be created separately in each business unit.

Insurance And Justifications

  • Medicare insurances are maintained by ARTSCO and can be set as business unit specific or for all business units regardless of the current business unit opened.
  • Medicare retail minus values are business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened.
  • Custom insurances (non Medicare) can be set as business unit specific or for all business units regardless of the current business unit opened.
  • Justifications are business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened.
  • Billing Multiplier And Show Order is business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened.

Custom Order Forms

Custom order forms are business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened.

Discounts (Cost Account# And Over Rides)

The discount structure to calculate costs as well as the account number associated with a vendor are business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened.

Account# By Location

Account# By Location is business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened.


Super user access is required. Users should be created on the User page while their associated default business unit is opened. Users can be moved to other business units after they are created. Also access to other business units can be granted after the user is created. If a user was created on a test database, the user can be transferred to the business unit database. In this case do not create the user in the business unit directly, a transfer from the test database is required.


Super user access is required. To Audit all users, open the Users page, click the 'Show All Users' checkbox on and select 50 as the page show size, then click 'Make CSV For Users Shown' button followed by the 'Download CSV' button. Open the csv file into a spreadsheet to view the results. If there are more than 50 users, repeat the process for the remaining pages of 50 users and combine the resulting spread sheets.

Business Units

Super user access is required. To add or edit business units, open the Users page, click on the 'Edit BizUnits' button, add or edit the business units as appropriate. When adding a new business unit, a unique 3 character upper case ID is required. This ID can not be changed after the business unit is added. The name of the business unit however can be changed at any time.


Super user access is required. Permissions are not specific to a business unit and affect all users in any business unit. Be sure to duplicate any permission changes on the business unit database with the training database to insure proper permissions when transferring users from the training database.


Tasks are not business unit specific and can be created while any business unit is opened. Tasks may contain business unit specific actions like a static Email that only applies to a specific business unit. In this case a separate task should be created with a different task name and with the appropriate static Email specified. The work flows the tasks are assigned to, can be business unit specific. A work flow can be designated as unique to a particular business unit, all business units, or for 'all business units except the ones with an ID of RTA or GUL (QNR)'. In addition a workflow can be specified as the default workflow for a particular workflow or for 'all business units except the one with an ID of RTA (QNR)'.

The Responsible List, Waiting On List, Rules, Edit Completed Tasks, and Follow Up are business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened. The Biz Unit ID can be seen in all business units if the Biz Unit ID is set to blank.

Permission From Tasks is not business unit specific and applies to all business units.

The Email Template can be business unit specific. An Email Template can be designated as unique to a particular business unit, all business units, or for 'all business units except the one with an ID of RTA or GUL (QNR)'.


Actions under the options folder are business unit specific and must be set while the appropriate business unit is opened.

Actions For Items that Can Be Shared Across Business Units:

Select Medicare

  • Open Insurance menu folder and click on Select Medicare
  • Check the first check box column for the Medicare required as an option to select for any business unit
  • In the Biz Unit column enter which business units can see the associated Medicare as an option
    • Blank: All business units
    • Specific Business Unit ID: Three character ID of the business unit
    • QNR: All business units except the one with an ID of RTA or GUL

Custom Insurance

  • Open Insurance menu folder and click on Custom
  • In the Biz Unit ID column enter which business units can see the associated custom insurance
    • Blank: All business units
    • Specific Business Unit ID: Three character ID of the business unit
    • QNR: All business units except the one with an ID of RTA or GUL


  • Open Security menu folder and click on Users
  • Note there may be gaps with rows that do not show users. Click on all pages to see all users for the open business user.
  • Create New User
    • Make sure the appropriate business unit is opened
    • Click the plus button on the upper right of the window
    • Enter
      • Name: First and last name of the user
      • Email: Email of the user
      • Owner: Uncheck
      • Group: Select the appropriate security group
      • Default: Default business 3 character ID
        • To find the business unit ID
          • Click on the 'Edit Biz Unit' button
          • Or look at the bizUnit parameter in the URL of the browser
      • Unit Access: Enter business units user has access to
        • Must include the default business unit ID specified
        • Single Business Unit Access: Enter the business unit ID
        • Multiple Business Unit Access: Enter business unit ID's separated by a comma
        • All Business Unit Access: Enter the word all
      • Edit Security: Check on if user can perform security actions such as adding and modifying users, moving users from the training database, auditing users, editing business units, and changing user permissions
      • Edit Tracking: Check on if user can perform tracking actions such as modyfying tasks and workflows
      • Ad Hoc All: Check on if user can perform Ad Hoc queries across all business units
    • Click the 'Save Button'
  • Edit Existing User
    • Make sure the appropriate business unit is opened
    • Click the pencil icon to the left of the user
    • Modify options as described in the Create New User section above
    • Click the 'Save Button'
  • Moving existing user from training database
    • Make sure the appropriate business unit is opened
    • Select the user from the 'Training User Email' drop down (upper left of window)
    • Click on 'Move To Quipt' button
    • The user will be moved to the business unit that is currently opened
  • Auditing Users
    • Click the 'Show All Users' checkbox on and select 50 as the page show size
    • Click 'Make CSV For Users Shown' button
    • Click the 'Download CSV' button.
    • Open the csv file into a spreadsheet to view the results.
    • If there are more than 50 users, repeat the process for the remaining pages of 50 users and combine the resulting spread sheets.
  • Edit Business Units
    • Click on the 'Edit BizUnits' button
      • Add New Business Unit
        • Click the New link in the upper left of the grid
        • Enter a unique 3 character upper case ID in the added row
          • Note: This ID can not be changed once the row is saved
        • Enter the business unit name
        • Click the 'Save Changes' button on the lower right of the grid
      • Edit Business Unit Name
        • Click on the name to change and modify the name
        • Click the 'Save Changes' button on the lower right of the grid
  • Tasks
    • If a tasks contains business unit specific actions, for example a static Email that only applies to a specific business unit.
      • Open Tracking menu folder and click on Tasks
      • Create a new task with a different task name and with the appropriate parameters specified
      • Apply this new task to the appropriate work flows
  • Work Flow
    • Open Tracking menu folder and click on Work Flow
    • In the associated Biz Unit ID column enter which business units can see the associated work flow as an option
      • Blank: All business units
      • Specific Business Unit ID: Three character ID of the business unit
      • QNR: All business units except the one with an ID of RTA or GUL
    • In the associated 'Standard For Biz Unit' column enter a check in the check box which associated business units have the work flow as their default work flow when an order is created.
  • Email Template
    • Open Tracking menu folder and click on Email Template
    • In the associated Biz Unit ID column enter which business units can see the associated work flow as an option
      • Blank: All business units
      • Specific Business Unit ID: Three character ID of the business unit
      • QNR: All business units except the one with an ID of RTA or GUL

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