Fee Schedule Example

Updated by Steven Garand

Example Showing The Import From A Cigna Fee Schedule From A CSV File

Original CSV file

When opening a CSV file do not convert values to scientific notation. If the original fee schedule in in a spread sheet file this issue is avoided.

In this example the Modifier 1 column contains blanks for NU values so replace the blank values with NU.

Filter only E and K codes to reduce the size of the import to only the codes used by RxWeb.

Remove duplicate rows of the same code and modifier
Copy and paste the filtered rows to a new sheet to eliminate the hidden filtered rows. Block the rows by clicking on the upper left cell, hold the shift key, then click on the lower right cell. Use Ctrl + C to copy and Crtl + V to paste into the new worksheet. Delete the original worksheet.

Save the edited CSV file as an Excel file.

We now have our final Excel file to import into RxAdmin.

Final Excel file

In RxAdmin create the insurance. This will also create a default plan named Standard. You can change the name of the plan if desired.

Set the plan type to Fee For Service.

If this is a new plan then replace the fee schedule, if you are updating an existing plan with a updated fee schedule use the merge option instead of the replace option.

Open the final Excel file modified from the steps above.

Map the parameters to the appropriate Excel file columns.

Fix any Miscellaneous codes such as K0108 to the appropriate types such as Retail minus.

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