Create Or Append To Purchase Order

Create Purchase Order:

Append To Existing Purchase Order:

Items added to purchase orders must first exist as line items in the system.
Line items added after purchase orders are created can be added to existing purchase orders or added to newly created purchased orders.
Purchase order items or the entire purchase order can be deleted. To delete an item in a purchase order, the item 'Received' date must be empty and the parent purchase order 'Order Date' and 'Received' date must be blank. In addition the entire purchase order can only be deleted if all associated items are deleted first.
Values can be overridden a purchase order item. Overrides to purchase order items automatically override the associated line item in the line item list.
Entering a received date on a purchase order automatically enters this date on all blank received dates for the related purchase order items.
Entering all purchase order item received dates automatically enters this date on the associated purchase order.
Deleting an item in the line item list automatically deletes any associated purchase order item.
Suggested order dates are based on expected days to receive the items. Ordering items when suggested (just in time JIT ordering) should result in items being received near the same time for a patient order. This should reduce the items requiring storage and waiting for other parts to arrive.
To save time, received dates can be marked in one window across all open orders instead of opening each purchase order in each patient order. To open the associated purchase order details, click on the folder button in the grid row which opens the associated patient order and 'Purchase Order' window.
Bundle purchase orders for the same manufacturer under a single purchase order to reduce ordering costs. Bundled purchase orders can also be unbundled if necessary.


  1. New Tab: Contains a grid listing the line items not yet added to a stock order or purchase order - Can select items in the grid to add as stock items
    1. Menu Buttons:
      1. Create new purchase order item from selected line items ('+' icon button): Check the check boxes in the left most grid column then click the plus menu button - Note: Click the upper left check box to select all items in the grid
      2. Append to purchase order item from selected line items ('box with +' icon button): Check the check boxes in the left most grid column then click the box with plus menu button, then select the existing purchase order to append the items to - Note: Click the upper left check box to select all items in the grid
      3. Wrap Text: Make the rows higher to show all text in each cell
  2. PO Tab:
    1. Menu Buttons:
      1. Allow Delete: Show delete (x) button in the left most grid column for the purchase order and for purchase order items - Click the delete (x) button to remove an item or purchase order - To delete an item in a purchase order, the item 'Received' date must be empty and the parent purchase order 'Order Date' and 'Received' date must be blank. In addition the entire purchase order can only be deleted if all associated items are deleted first.
      2. Wrap Text: Make the rows higher to show all text in each cell
    2. Grid:
      1. Purchase Order:
        1. Manufacturer: Read only
        2. Suggested Order Date: Can modify - Estimated date to order the items resulting in all items for the patient order arriving near the same day (just in time JIT ordering) - Used to reduce storage space for patient equipment waiting on other equipment to arrive
        3. Order Date: Can modify - Date the purchase order was sent to the manufacturer
        4. PO Prefix: Read only - Predefined prefix for the purchase order number
        5. PO Number (Purchase Order Number): Read only
        6. PO Suffix: Read only - Predefined suffix for the purchase order number
        7. Bundled PO# (Bundled Purchase Order Number): Read only - Combined single purchase order number for purchase orders for the same manufacturer to reduce ordering costs. Bundled purchase orders can also be unbundled if necessary
        8. Retail Total: Read only - Sum of the item retail values for the purchase order
        9. Cost Total: Read only - Sum of the item cost values for the purchase order
        10. Received: Can modify - Date all items for the purchase order were received - Automatically entered if all associated item received dates entered
        11. Received Bundle: Can modify - Date all purchase orders for the combined purchase order were received
        12. Est Received Date: Can modify - Estimated date all items will arrive for the purchase order
        13. Confirmation Number: Can modify - Confirmation number from the manufacturer the purchase order is being processed.
        14. Quote #: Can modify - The quote number from the manufacturer
      2. Purchase Order Item:
        1. Received: Date the item was received - Automatically entered if associated purchase order receive date is entered
        2. Qty Received: Quantity of items received
        3. Model: Read only
        4. Part Number: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item part number
        5. Item Description: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item description
        6. Retail (MSRP): Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item retail value
        7. Cost: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item cost value
        8. Qty Ordered (quantity ordered): Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item order quantity value
        9. Units Ordered: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item units value
        10. Grid Order (row sort order): Can modify
        11. Serial Number: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item serial number


  1. Create New Purchase Order And Items From Selected Line Items: Check the check boxes in the left most grid column then click the plus menu button - Note: Click the upper left check box to select all items in the grid
  2. Mark Purchase Order And Items Received: In the PO tab, enter the date in the 'Received' column of the purchase order if all items received - If only some items received, mark the date in the Received column for the received items - If the last item is marked received, the purchase order received value is automatically entered
  3. Delete Purchase Order Or Item: Click the 'Allow Delete' (x) menu button. The delete (x) button in the left most grid column is shown on the purchase order and item rows - Click the delete (x) button and the appropriate 'Save Changes' button (purchase order or item level) - To delete an item in a purchase order, the item 'Received' date must be empty and the parent purchase order 'Order Date' and 'Received' date must be blank. In addition the entire purchase order can only be deleted if all associated items are deleted first.
  4. Modify Purchase Order Values: In the PO tab, modify the appropriate cell in the grid and click the 'Save Changes' button - Modifications automatically update the associated line item

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