Available Standard Reports (Custom Reports Provided Upon Request)
Average Delivery Time: Shows the average order delivery time in days - Specify the RTS, Referral Source, and date range
Basic Claim Info: Shows basic demographics for patients grouped by RTS - Specify the date range
Equipment Sales: Shows the sum and breakdown of sales for each RTS - Specify the work flow task completed date of Delivered or Billed to use with the date range
Order Status: Shows the status of the open order - The associated order must be opened before running this report
Orders Viewed: Shows the number of orders viewed per day and broken down by order - Specify the date range
PO Batch Send: Batch print purchase orders instead of looking up and printing each purchase order separately.
PO by Number: Print a single purchase order by entering the purchase order number.
PO Monthly Spending: The amount spent for each purchase order grouped and summed by manufacturer.
PO Overdue to Send: Shows when purchase orders should be sent when using just in time (JIT) ordering which should result in items being received near the same time for a patient order. This should reduce the items requiring storage and waiting for other parts to arrive.
Profit Margin: Shows the sum and breakdown of allow values, retail values, cost values, and profit margin for each RTS - Specify the work flow task completed date of Delivered or Billed to use with the date range
Serial Number Lookup: Shows the information for an order that has equipment with a particular serial number. This report will look up both the line item serial number (entered in the line item list), the serial number for the entire order (entered on the Delivery Ticket Form) or in the Purchase Order under received items.
Task Averages: Shows expected workflow task completion time and actual average completion time. Specify the RTS and date range.
Task Averages All Responsible: Shows expected workflow task completion time (Target Days) and actual average completion time (Avg. Days) grouped by task then grouped by each RTS. Specify date range.
Tracking: Shows the sum and breakdown of retail and allow values for each workflow task then each RTS. Specify the RTS and date range, grouped by task then RTS. Also can specify only overdue pending tasks.