Export Layout Items

Updated by Steven Garand

Items can't be copied or moved directly between pages or forms, they must be exported and imported.
The entire form, current page, or just selected items can be exported and imported.
The export must specify the type (form, page, or selections). The import automatically uses the type specified in the export.
Use the 'form' type export and import when a new form is based on an existing form.
Use the 'page' type export and import when a new page is based on an existing page either from the same form, or from a different form.
Use the 'selections' type export and import when a new section on a page is based on an existing selections either from the same form, or from a different form.


  1. Export form, page, or selections:
    1. Click on 'Export Form, Page, or Selections' button.
    2. Set name of file to save.
    3. Set 'Export Type' drop down list
      1. form: Copies all pages and items from the entire form.
      2. current page: Copies all items on the current page.
      3. selection: Copies all currently selected items.
    4. Click the 'OK' button.

See Also:

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