
Updated by Steven Garand

Patients are normally added in Basic Info in the user application not in this window.


  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Middle Name
  4. Suffix
  5. SSN
  6. Status (Active, Inactive, Deceased)
  7. Create Date
  8. DOB (date of birth)
  9. EMail
  10. Street1
  11. Street2
  12. City
  13. State
  14. Zip
  15. Phone
  16. Fax
  17. Resp Party Name (responsible party name)
  18. Resp Party Address (responsible party address)
  19. Resp Party WPhone (responsible party work phone)
  20. Sex (Male, Female)
  21. EIN
  22. Notes
  23. User Defined 1*
  24. User Defined 2*
  25. User Defined 3*
  26. User Defined 4*

*Only shown if column defined in User Defined Columns


  1. Add new patient *
  2. Delete patient**
  3. Update patient*
  4. Save patient changes
  5. Sort patient
  6. Move patient columns
  7. Filter patient

* Row denied if patient name is blank or if another row has the same name and phone number. Note: To be considered a different phone number, the new and existing phone numbers must be entered and have different values. A blank phone number and a valid phone number are considered the same phone number.

** Delete denied if patient used in any order.

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