Grid Layout Item Column Properties

Updated by Steven Garand

Click on the 'Columns' button on the grid properties window to open the column properties window.

Common Problems

  • Blank or static text column is writable: Set a 'Calc Field' item to 'LineItemID'.

  1. Menu buttons
    1. OK: Save changes and close window.
    2. Cancel: Close window without saving changes.
    3. New Row: Add a new row which adds a new column to the grid on the form.
    4. Delete Row: Delete a selected row which removes the associated column on the form.
    5. Add Line Item Level: ARTSCO internal use only.
    6. Format Info: Help for values to use in the 'Format' column.
    7. Move Up: Move selected row up one position which moves the associated column on the form to the left one position.
    8. Move Down: Move selected row down one position which moves the associated column on the form to the right one position.
  2. Grid
    1. ID: Combo box allowing text entry and contains a drop down of predefined grid column types.
      1. Custom Text Entry Value
        1. Calculated column: Shows a read only calculation of one or more predefined grid columns. Enter a unique abbreviated description of the calculation for example 'RetailTimesQty' for the calculation of Retail * Quantity Ordered. Do not use a predefined grid column value for a calculated column. Must have one or more calculated fields specified in the 'Calc Field' column.
        2. Line item level column: Creates a user defined editable column in the grid. Enter a unique description for the column for example 'LineItemSpecialNote'. Do not use a predefined grid column value for a line item level column. Must not have any calculated fields specified in the 'Calc Field' column.
        3. Claim level column: Creates a column where each cell is tied to a single user defined database field for the order. Values are not unique to the row and the same value is repeated for each row. Enter 'claimLevel_' followed by the user defined name for the database field. Do not use a predefined grid column value for a line item level column. Must not have any calculated fields specified in the 'Calc Field' column.
        4. Blank column: Creates a blank column. Enter a unique description for the column for example 'BlankColumn1'. Set 'Calc' column value to 't_'. Do not use a predefined grid column value for a line item level column. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
      2. Predefined grid column values from the combo box list
        1. LineItemID: Internal database ID of the line item. Required and set 'Hide' checked on.
        2. FieldName: Internal web ID of the item on the form. ARTSCO internal use only.
        3. LineItemType: Internal line item type. ARTSCO internal use only.
        4. ItemDescription: Description of the line item. Typically set 'Wrap' on and optionally set 'Shrink' on for more text to show by reducing the font size if necessary.
        5. OrderNumber: Order number the line item is on. ARTSCO internal use only.
        6. ManufactID: Internal ARTSCO ID of the manufacturer associated with the line item. ARTSCO internal use only.
        7. FormID: Internal ARTSCO ID of the form associated with the line item. ARTSCO internal use only.
        8. PageNumber: Page number associated with the line item. ARTSCO internal use only.
        9. TabNumber: Tab number associated with the line item. ARTSCO internal use only.
        10. BillingMultiplyer: Billing multiplier of the line item. Typically only used as a reference column in a calculation with 'Hide' checked on.
        11. QuantityOrdered: Quantity of items ordered.
        12. DetailQuantity: Units of an item. The units value is a number for example 2 if the line item is a pair.
        13. Retail: Retail (MSRP) of the line item.
        14. Bill: Dollar amount billed to the customer for the line item.
        15. DiscountBase: Base discount dollar amount off of retail (MSRP) for the line item.
        16. DiscountExtended: Extended discount dollar amount off of retail (MSRP) for the line item.
        17. PartNumber: Manufacturer part number of the line item.
        18. GridOrder: Sort order number the line item. ARTSCO internal use only.
        19. HideItem: Shows if line item is shown in line items window. ARTSCO internal use only.
        20. CodesForPayer1: HCPCS codes for payer 1 for the line item. Includes modifiers and can have multiple codes delimited by a comma.
        21. AllowForPayer1: Allow dollar amount from payer 1 for the item.
        22. AllowNoteForPayer1: Allow note for payer 1 such as 'justify' for an item with a 'K0108' code.
        23. PaidAmountForPayer1: Dollar amount payer 1 has paid for the item.
        24. Cost: Dollar amount the item cost from the manufacturer.
        25. ICD9Code: ICD10 code for the item.
        26. CodesForPayer2: HCPCS codes for payer 2 for the line item. Includes modifiers and can have multiple codes delimited by a comma.
        27. AllowForPayer2: Allow dollar amount from payer 2 for the item.
        28. AllowNoteForPayer2: Allow note for payer 2 such as 'justify' for an item with a 'K0108' code.
        29. PaidAmountForPayer2: Dollar amount payer 2 has paid for the item.
        30. CodesForPayer3: HCPCS codes for payer 3 for the line item. Includes modifiers and can have multiple codes delimited by a comma.
        31. AllowForPayer3: Allow dollar amount from payer 3 for the item.
        32. AllowNoteForPayer3: Allow note for payer 3 such as 'justify' for an item with a 'K0108' code.
        33. PaidAmountForPayer3: Dollar amount payer 3 has paid for the item.
        34. CodesForPayer4: HCPCS codes for payer 4 for the line item. Includes modifiers and can have multiple codes delimited by a comma.
        35. AllowForPayer4: Allow dollar amount from payer 4 for the item.
        36. AllowNoteForPayer4: Allow note for payer 4 such as 'justify' for an item with a 'K0108' code.
        37. PaidAmountForPayer4: Dollar amount payer 4 has paid for the item.
        38. SerialNumber: Serial Number of the item.
        39. ChildCode: K0108 sub category for the item.
        40. ManufactName: Name of the manufacturer associated with the line item.
        41. FormName: Name of the form associated with the line item. ARTSCO internal use only.
        42. CodeDesc: HCPCS code description for the item.
    2. Header: The text shown in the column header. To bold the header text, precede the text with <b> and end the text with </b>. Do not leave this value blank or repeat the same value in any other row.
    3. Calc Field: Specifies the predefined grid columns to use in a calculation. Used in conjunction with the 'Calc' column. Make sure the ID column value is not one of the 'Calc Field' values.
    4. Calc: Determines the type of calculation. Is used in conjunction with the 'Calc Field' column values.
      1. +: Adds the values from the items listed in the 'Calc Field' column. The 'Calc Field' items must all have numeric values.
      2. *: Multiplies the values from the items listed in the 'Calc Field' column. The 'Calc Field' items must all have numeric values.
      3. Qty(+): First multiplies QuantityOrdered times each value from the items listed in the 'Calc Field' column, then sums the results. The 'Calc Field' items must all have numeric values.
      4. ProfMarg: Calculates profit margin based on ((totalAllow - cost) * 100) / totalAllow. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'Cost' and one or more of AllowForPayer1, AllowForPayer2, AllowForPayer3, and AllowForPayer4.
      5. DiscStd: Calculates discounted dollar amount to bill the customer, based on ((bill * (100 - discOffStdFee)) / 100) * QuantityOrdered. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'Bill' and 'QuantityOrdered'.
      6. S01L05: Substring starting at character 1 with a length of 5 characters. Used primarily to show just the 5 digit HCPCS code without modifiers. In this case only the first code of any multi coded item would be shown. The 'Calc Field' items must contain the column to get the substring from.
      7. S06L02: Substring starting at character 6 with a length of 2 characters. Used primarily to show HCPCS modifier 1. In this case only the first code of any multi coded item would be shown. The 'Calc Field' items must contain the column to get the substring from.
      8. S06L04: Substring starting at character 6 with a length of 4 characters. The 'Calc Field' items must contain the column to get the substring from.
      9. S08L02: Substring starting at character 8 with a length of 2 characters. Used primarily to show HCPCS modifier 2. In this case only the first code of any multi coded item would be shown. The 'Calc Field' items must contain the column to get the substring from.
      10. S010L02: Substring starting at character 10 with a length of 2 characters. Used primarily to show HCPCS modifier 3. In this case only the first code of any multi coded item would be shown. The 'Calc Field' items must contain the column to get the substring from.
      11. S012L02: Substring starting at character 12 with a length of 2 characters. Used primarily to show HCPCS modifier 4. In this case only the first code of any multi coded item would be shown. The 'Calc Field' items must contain the column to get the substring from.
      12. S09L-1: Substring starting at character 9 with a length of the remaining characters. The 'Calc Field' items must contain the column to get the substring from.
      13. #: Column of numbers starting at 1 and increasing by 1. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
      14. AbilityUnivita: ARTSCO internal use only. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'CodesForPayer1', 'Retail', 'AllowForPayer1', and 'QuantityOrdered'.
      15. t_@: Shows a column with '@' as the value. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
      16. t_ea: Shows a column with 'ea' as the value. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
      17. t_: Shows a column with a blank value. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
      18. DiscStd_TherSpec: ARTSCO internal use only. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
      19. vd2: ARTSCO internal use only. Validates free text entry is valid 2 digit year date. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
      20. vd4: ARTSCO internal use only. Validates free text entry is valid 2 digit year date. The 'Calc Field' items must contain 'LineItemID'.
    5. Index: ARTSCO internal use only.
    6. Width: Width of the grid column on the form in pixels. Can also drag the column width directly in the grid item on the page.
    7. Hide: When checked on, hides the column in the grid on the form. Set 'Hide' on for columns used in calculations but should not show directly.
    8. Format: Specifies the format for a number column. The most common format is 'c' which formats for currency. Click on the 'Format Info' button for help with other format options.
    9. Align Header: Horizontal alignment of the header text.
      1. left: Left alignment.
      2. center: Center alignment.
      3. right: Right alignment.
    10. Align Cells: Horizontal alignment of the grid cell text.
      1. left: Left alignment.
      2. center: Center alignment.
      3. right: Right alignment.
    11. Pinned: Pins (freezes) column during horizontal scrolling. Pinned columns remain in view while unpinned columns scroll. Pinning identifying columns of grids with many columns allows the user to keep track of what row the far right cells belong to. Must also pin all other rows above, even rows with 'Hide' checked on.
    12. Wrap: When 'Wrap' checked on, the text will wrap onto a new line in the cell for as many lines as there is room. If 'Wrap' is checked off, only a single line of text will be shown and cut off at the end of the cell. 'Wrap' and 'Shrink' can both be checked on to maximize the text shown in a cell.
    13. Shrink: When 'Shrink' checked on, the text font size will automatically reduce if the text with the specified font size will not fit. The minimum font size the 'Shrink' feature will allow is 7 pixels. 'Wrap' and 'Shrink' can both be checked on to maximize the text shown in a cell.
    14. Sum: Shows the sum of the column values in a sum row after the last grid row on the last repeat page when printing. Must set 'Has Sum' check box on in the grid property page window.
    15. Custom: Read only indicator the column is a user defined line item value (lineItemLevel). The 'Custom' checkbox is set on when an ID column value is not a standard pull down value and does not start with 'claimLevel_' and does not have a ''Calc Field' value.
    16. Data Type: Read only type that indicates the valid characters the user can enter if the column can be written to. Also determines if the column can be set to sum.
      1. string: Any character allowed. Summing not allowed.
      2. date: Only dates allowed. Summing not allowed.
      3. number: Only numbers allowed. Summing is allowed.
      4. float: Only numbers allowed. Summing is allowed.
      5. int: Only numbers allowed. Summing is allowed.
      6. bool: Only check on or off allowed. Summing not allowed.
    17. Ctrl Type: Read only control type.
      1. checkbox
      2. textbox
      3. numberinput
      4. datetimeinput
      5. template: Specified if 'Wrap' checked on.
    18. Editable: Read only indicating the users ability to edit the column values in the form grid.

See Also:

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