Order Items From Stock

Items marked to pull from stock must first exist as line items in the system.
Stock items can be deleted (returned to stock). To delete an item, the item 'Received' date must be empty.


  1. New Tab: Contains a grid listing the line items not yet added to a stock order or purchase order - Can select items in the grid to add as stock items
    1. Menu Buttons:
      1. Create new stock item from selected line items ('+' icon button): Check the check boxes in the left most grid column then click the plus menu button - Note: Click the upper left check box to select all items in the grid
      2. Wrap Text: Make the rows higher to show all text in each cell
  2. Stock Tab:
    1. Menu Buttons:
      1. Allow Delete: Show delete (x) button in the left most grid column - Click the delete (x) button to returned the item to stock - The item 'Received' date must be empty
      2. Wrap Text: Make the rows higher to show all text in each cell
    2. Grid:
      1. Received: Date the item was pulled from stock
      2. Manufacturer: Read only
      3. Model: Read only
      4. Part Number: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item part number
      5. Item Description: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item description
      6. Qty (quantity ordered): Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item quantity ordered value
      7. Units: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item units value
      8. Retail (MSRP): Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item retail value
      9. Cost: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item cost value
      10. Grid Order (row sort order): Can modify
      11. Serial Number: Can modify - Modifications automatically update the associated line item serial number


  1. Create New Stock Item From Selected Line Items: Check the check boxes in the left most grid column then click the plus menu button - Note: Click the upper left check box to select all items in the grid
  2. Mark Stock Items Received: In the Stock tab, enter the date in the 'Received' column of the grid cell
  3. Delete Item Ordered From Stock: Click the 'Allow Delete' (x) menu button. The delete (x) button in the left most grid column is shown - Click the delete (x) button to returned the item to stock - The item 'Received' date must be empty
  4. Modify Stock Item Values: In the Stock tab, modify the appropriate cell in the grid and click the 'Save Changes' button - Modifications automatically update the associated line item

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