
Sends patient, doctor, insurance, and line item information from RxWeb to Brightree.
Information can only be sent one time in order to create the order in Brightree. The information can't be merged with an existing order in Brightree.
Brightree uses an order import feature which assists the user in either matching the data from RxWeb to existing data or to create new data in Brightree.
Brightree username and password are saved for the rest of the session and do not have to be entered again until the next login to Rx Web.  Also note that the username is saved between logins but the password must be entered.
If this order was previously sent you will get the following message: This order already sent. An order for Brightree can only be sent once.
Use RxAdmin to set up 'Send To Billing' option in Permission From Workflow to prevent sending an order to Brightree before the proper step in your workflow.


  1. Contact Brightree and request the ARTSCO bridge be turned on for your company.
  2. In RxAdmin click on Options, General, set 'Third Party App' Name to Brightree, set URL to:

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