To Do List

Pending Task Filter:

View tasks users should be working on for all open orders assigned to them (task started but not completed).
Provides an easy way for the RTS to navigate to the order associated with the task they need to work on. Click on the File Folder button to the left of the row to select the order associated with the task in that row. Once the order is opened, the tracking window will open where you can perform the steps necessary to complete the task (such as completing a form, or making a phone call.
Tasks are listed by the number of days late. Tasks that are the most late are listed first.


  1. Menu (Above Grid)
    1. Refresh: Refresh the page using up to date information
    2. Wrap Text: Make the rows higher to show all text in each cell
    3. RTS: Filter rows by a particular RTS - Value saved between sessions
    4. Apply Last Filter Task: Filter rows by a last pending task filter used - Value saved between sessions - Pending task filtered by clicking on key icon in header cell then selecting a task to filter by - View all tasks by choosing 'All' as the filter - Only a specific task is saved as the last filter value, the 'All' selection is not saved
    5. Responsible: Filter rows by person responsible for the task - Value saved between sessions
    6. Group By: Group rows by RTS or who is responsible - Value saved between sessions
    7. Export List Buttons: List can be exported to a spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx) or delimited text file (.csv)
  2. Grid (Read Only)
    1. Go To (folder icon) Button: Provides an easy way for the RTS to navigate to the order associated with the task they need to work on. Click on the File Folder button to the left of the row to select the order associated with the task in that row. Once the order is opened, the tracking window will open where you can perform the steps necessary to complete the task (such as completing a form, or making a phone call.
    2. Days Late: Days after the expected completion date of the task - Default row sorting is largest to smallest days late
    3. Open Order: Days the order associated with the task has been open (days from the create date of the order).
    4. Pending Task: Pending (stated but not completed) task name - Pending task filtered by clicking on key icon in header cell then selecting a task to filter by - View all tasks by choosing 'All' as the filter - Can also click on 'Apply Last Filter Task' (filter icon) menu button to filter rows by a last pending task filter used - Value saved between sessions - Only a specific task is saved as the last filter value, the 'All' selection is not saved
    5. RTS (ATP): RTS (ATP) responsible for the entire order - Not necessarily the person responsible for the task
    6. Responsible: The person responsible for the task
    7. Waiting On: Waiting on notes from a drop down list
    8. Task Notes: Date and initial time stamped notes for the task
    9. Patient: The patient associated with the task
    10. Prefix: Optional predefined prefix for the order number
    11. Order ID: Order number
    12. Suffix: Optional predefined suffix for the order number
    13. Order Notes: Order notes for the order associated with the task
    14. Est Completion: Estimated (expected) completion date for the task
    15. Patient Phone: Patient phone number
    16. Referral Source Name: Name of the referral source


  1. Set Custom Column Order: Customize the column order by dragging the column headers right or left - The new column order is automatically saved for the device - The link shows the Line Item grid example, to reset the To Do grid column order to default, delete the cookie named "pages_tasks_todo_aspx_MasterMainPanel_ContentPlaceHolder1_toDoGridView"

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